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For Part 2 of "Diary of a Troubled Mind" please click below: -
This Blog contains the ramblings - sometimes connected, sometimes not - of a mind that is potentially capable of achieving so much but which history has shown has actually produced very little. If you like the inane, (some would say the insane) then this could be the Blog for you....
For Part 2 of "Diary of a Troubled Mind" please click below: -
Posted by
Paul Helsby
Saturday, December 08, 2007
I am sure that there was a more sensitive way of giving me feedback than that employed by T yesterday evening, when she reminded me that I had recently borrowed a book from the local library and that " obviously didn't work".
Unsure what she was talking (and still clearly suffering from an overdose of barley) I let her explain. Now, whilst I am not admitting that the book was actually borrowed for me, I will - in the interest of fairness to all other beings whom I have maligned over the previous 10 months or so - let the evidence speak for itself!
Yesterday's date: 26 March 2007
Library book return date: -
The book: -
Now my only real consolation was that the book was actually borrowed on T's library card, and as she was in town today she had to take it back to the library.
The opportunity for ridicule on the part of the librarian was fairly high. But when T returned the book with the comment "Spot the irony?", the librarian indicated that this was not unusual and that the library's official response was the same as when borrowers of the book "How to manage your finances better" returned their book late.
That being - "That will be a 60p fine please" - Talk about rubbing it in!
Posted by
Paul Helsby
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
For really getting one's small hands in a twist, it's impossible to beat Expedia's ad in today's Metro. The ad read: -
"The clocks go forward this Sunday. Do something inspirational with your extra
...and we let them plan our holidays?
Posted by
Paul Helsby
Friday, March 23, 2007