Thursday, November 02, 2006

A position of influence

Further evidence has emerged regarding the influence of this Blog. Last week I described the problems surrounding computer keyboards and poor hygiene and today the following article appears in the news.

Flat keyboard 'could reduce MRSA'

A hospital has developed a computer keyboard which it says could cut cases of the MRSA superbug by 10%.
Research shows as many as 25% of keyboards carry MRSA - one of a number of hospital-acquired infections which kill 5,000 people each year in the UK.
Plastic keyboard covers are often used but these can be hard to clean.
The University College London Hospitals NHS Trust keyboard is flat and so easy to clean - and is coated in silicon to help ward off bacteria.
The trust is starting to install them and if they prove successful the rest of the NHS may follow.
Duncan Burton, the modern matron in charge of infection control at UCL, said: "They're flat, they're very easy to clean with alcohol wipes, it makes it much quicker for nurses to clean them and nurses are responsible for cleaning keyboards in the clinical areas.
Dr Peter Wilson, the consultant microbiologist who came up with the idea for the keyboards, said: "The numbers of keyboards are going to rise astronomically over the next few years".

My predictions for news items/headlines over the next few days are: -

Friday - The Big Freeze causes travel chaos
Saturday - Rooney relights his fire
Sunday - Fires and explosions spread across UK
Monday - Bill Beaumont stars against All Blacks as England rugby injury crisis deepens

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