Monday, August 21, 2006

Achieving a work life balance

A mixed day of successes and frustrations, concluded with attendance at a business meeting (no really it was!), part of which was concerned with proclamations of how we should all embrace flexible working more. Our ability to utilise available technology to work from home more was encouraged with the benefit of reducing commuting time for those travelling to London being particularly relevant to yours truly.
The meeting started at 4.30 pm, was scheduled to last for an hour, finishedat 7.00 pm, allowing me to leave work at 7.30 pm. This means that with a commute of one and three quarter hours I'll be home by 9.15!

Next time I won't go to a meeting on Flexible Working, I'll avoid it byworking flexibly!!

As I was writing this blog on my way home (on the aforementioned train) Iread a headline in the Evening Standard - “The Blackberry 'can hook you just like a drug'”. The article stated that “...palmtop gadgets - nicknamed “crackberries” because it is claimed users can get hooked - let users read and reply to emails wherever they are...But now a study claims the gadgets are fuelling a rise in email and internet addiction, and that a key sign is when a user focuses on their Blackberry rather than their friends and family.”

What utter claptrap! I have no friends, and you would never catch me ignoring my family, whatever their names are!

Historical footnote: -

1 September 1939, Poland invaded by Germany.

18 August 2006, (more or less 67 years to the day later) Poland invaded bya certain hen party from Sussex.
Former stayed longer, latter caused more lasting damage - but I think they had a good time!!

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